This particular post may indeed be an unusual way to begin my blogging career, but as I looked around my desk I found the few things left in life that make me truly happy. Happiness should not be based upon things, this is a fact that I readily admit, but I can not help but be overjoyed when I glance to my right and in my peripheral vision see a glimmer of my newly discovered pink lava lamp. It is exciting and has new and unexpected delights for me on a daily basis - I long to take the same carefree attitude to my desk as does my lava lamp.
After I feel all warm and fuzzy I turn and see my handy new tape gun ( black in color) sitting beside my left paw, it shocks me back into reality. There is work to be done, I can not waste away my time feeling groovy - I must waste my time doing other less fun things that make other people lots of money. Don’t get me wrong I love my tape gun, there is even a standing threat of bodily harm to anyone who messes with said gun. I had a nice red one that had a foam handle that felt all comfy in my hand and it was unceremoniously stolen from me and now blackie(for that is what I call him) has taken it’s place. He urges me to carry out menial tasks for a menial days wage because I was hired to do so, not to stare at a pink lava lamp.
It is the contrast of the ages - the urge to hang out, chill, and take it easy verses the never ending reminders that none of those things get the kitchen painted, the bathroom trim put up, Wednesdays lesson for church typed, or a myriad other things done. I am forever torn by my inner lazy bohemian and my inner restles, driven workaholic. How can there be room for both those individuals inside of my svelte 330 pound body.
That is where my precious raspberry hard candies come in. I work hard, do a good days labor to satisfy the driven side and make sure his needs are placated. Then every once in a while I sneak over to the file cabinet in front of the parts managers office where he and I have stashed 18 bags of Christmas raspberry candy ( I would give Mr. Brach a big kiss if I met him) and I indulge in a little groovy right in the middle of my stress filled day. Score one for the Bohemian/Candy lover.
I guess my point is we all have goals and work hard to get what we have. We are driven and every day as we look around we see the need to acquire more, work more, build more. Tear down our barns and build bigger ones is a phrase that comes to mind. I find my self putting in overtime, working extra jobs and constantly reminded that the things I have and the things I want cost me maybe more than I realize. As I listen to my 160 Gb Ipod classic, driving my new Suburban to pick up my new ‘fridge with ice in the door I ponder all these things and my heart cries out, “curse you tape gun” give my life a “little more lava lamp”. That is when I realize that the candy is the middle ground.
So I advise you - work hard - pay your bills - buy your stuff, but take some time out to relax and enjoy the small pleasures in life. I imagine if you put my tape gun, and my lava lamp in a large blender and mixed it all up you’d have a nice batch of raspberry candy hidden in a file cabinet at work. Later on. RLR
After I feel all warm and fuzzy I turn and see my handy new tape gun ( black in color) sitting beside my left paw, it shocks me back into reality. There is work to be done, I can not waste away my time feeling groovy - I must waste my time doing other less fun things that make other people lots of money. Don’t get me wrong I love my tape gun, there is even a standing threat of bodily harm to anyone who messes with said gun. I had a nice red one that had a foam handle that felt all comfy in my hand and it was unceremoniously stolen from me and now blackie(for that is what I call him) has taken it’s place. He urges me to carry out menial tasks for a menial days wage because I was hired to do so, not to stare at a pink lava lamp.
It is the contrast of the ages - the urge to hang out, chill, and take it easy verses the never ending reminders that none of those things get the kitchen painted, the bathroom trim put up, Wednesdays lesson for church typed, or a myriad other things done. I am forever torn by my inner lazy bohemian and my inner restles, driven workaholic. How can there be room for both those individuals inside of my svelte 330 pound body.
That is where my precious raspberry hard candies come in. I work hard, do a good days labor to satisfy the driven side and make sure his needs are placated. Then every once in a while I sneak over to the file cabinet in front of the parts managers office where he and I have stashed 18 bags of Christmas raspberry candy ( I would give Mr. Brach a big kiss if I met him) and I indulge in a little groovy right in the middle of my stress filled day. Score one for the Bohemian/Candy lover.
I guess my point is we all have goals and work hard to get what we have. We are driven and every day as we look around we see the need to acquire more, work more, build more. Tear down our barns and build bigger ones is a phrase that comes to mind. I find my self putting in overtime, working extra jobs and constantly reminded that the things I have and the things I want cost me maybe more than I realize. As I listen to my 160 Gb Ipod classic, driving my new Suburban to pick up my new ‘fridge with ice in the door I ponder all these things and my heart cries out, “curse you tape gun” give my life a “little more lava lamp”. That is when I realize that the candy is the middle ground.
So I advise you - work hard - pay your bills - buy your stuff, but take some time out to relax and enjoy the small pleasures in life. I imagine if you put my tape gun, and my lava lamp in a large blender and mixed it all up you’d have a nice batch of raspberry candy hidden in a file cabinet at work. Later on. RLR
Hey, main man. Great start to thy blogging career, sir. There is inspiration for blogs everywhere, you'll have no probs with that. Anyway, we may need to discuss the fact that 330 and svelte do not, in fact, rhyme. It's hard to believe that last summer there was a time I was half the man you are. That's long been the case on the basketball front, just never imagined it in the corporeal realm. Peace...
Congratulations on the new blog. Looking forward to reading your contributions to the conversation.
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